Changing Plans for Single Storey Rear Extension Under Permitted Development
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Changing Plans for Single Storey Rear Extension Under Permitted Development

by DIYBAZ » Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:25 pm

New to the forum and seeking some guidance under permitted development in England; hope you can help.

We submitted planning permission for a rearward single story extension (non-conservation area) that is more than 2m from neighboring boundary and +50m from the back fence of the garden. Our architect designed the extension and submitted plans for an extension of 6m in length and 2.85m height. We were told planning permission was not necessary and that this was allowed under permitted development.

We have since had our builders start the project and realized that the architect has miscalculated the height of the structure due to change in floor levels. The extension is now looking to be around 3.2m.

My question is, do we need to resubmit a planning application or can we carry on regardless given it will be below the max. 4m height restriction under permitted development?

Thanks in advance.