Change to Plans on Already Granted Permission
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Joined: Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:42 pm

Change to Plans on Already Granted Permission

by Markf » Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:56 pm

Hi all ,I’m after some advice on planning ,will try to be brief ,I’m looking at a plot for sale ,one acre on an old farm ,planning has been approved to build a 5 bed and a 1bed house on the site of a steel agricultural barn ,my question is ,can I change the plan to site/build a log cabin of a smaller size ? Would I be able to remove the steel structure totally ? I know it’s unlikely because the house(s) are shown on the drawings “fill” the original size and shape already there .
Any advice would be welcome
PS two buildings the same size of the the one being converted and attached to it ,at either end are to be demolished before build commences