Replacing room Thermostat problem - replacing dial 3 wire with 2 wire digital
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Replacing room Thermostat problem - replacing dial 3 wire with 2 wire digital

by Sirmaggie » Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:20 pm

I have replaced my old dial 3 wire thermostat with a digital two wired one. (Just a generic brand)
I have wired up the live and the earth and left the Neutral wire disconnected.
I have clearly done something wrong though as now radiators only get warm to the touch rather than 'proper hot' and the house does not very often reach the desired temperature although it does turn on and off as it should and boiler fires up when its called on.
I have a standard boiler with radiators and a hot water tank.

Can you give me any advice or guidance and recommend a different type of thermostat to solve my problem or do I need to get an professional in to do the job.

Kind regards,