It’s likely that we will already have the answer to most problems that you might have, either in our projects section or on one of our videos. Use the search box above, or scroll through our list of projects in the navigation bar. If you cannot track your answer down, we might be able to help.
We are able to offer a small amount of time for free to answer questions and help you out if you are a little stuck or need that extra reassurance of speaking to an expert. Please understand that we do also need to get back to the paid work so that we can pay our bills, therefore this time is very limited and we will need to schedule our sessions around this other commitments. Sessions will be limited to 15 minutes.
It is really helpful to have a photo(s) of the issue that you are dealing with, so please reply to our email scheduling a time with some clear images, if possible. This means that we are more likely to be able to help you in the time that we have available.
Help with Urgent DIY or Construction Problems
If you have an urgent need for help or a serious problem at your home, we can arrange a conference call (either on Skype, Google hangout or on the phone) to help straight away. To order this service, see further details at the bottom of this page.
We also can arrange an onsite consultation, if this is more appropriate. Again please see further details below.
Complete this Form to Schedule a Free 15 Minute Consultation
Please fill out this form and we will try and schedule a consultation as soon as possible. We will get back to you with the next available free consultation slot:
Please note that we will not be able to help with the following:
- Style or taste type issues – these are really down to what you prefer. We are happy to provide our opinion, but we aren’t interior designers! If you need specific design advice, please let us know and we will try and arrange a call with a designer in your area
- Quote checking – To do this we would need to see the site typically, and have heard the brief that had been given to each tradesman that has tendered. We can answer questions about what specific items might be on a quote or offer some suggested questions to ask your builder to tease out more relevant information
- Questions about specific parts of particular products – We mean a specific model of a particular product; our forum is the best place for these as there will be an expert out there that has had experience of working with your particular product. There are so many different products that have been used over the years and we can’t know them all
How to Order Urgent Time with DIY Doctor
Do you have an Emergency or stuck with your current project? Need to discuss it with DIY Doctor?
Our tradesmen have a wealth of information. They will aim to be direct and to the point, easy to understand and very knowledgeable in their responses.
A call to DIY Doctor could help save you hundreds or thousands of pounds. Are you worried you are about to make an expensive mistake? Whatever your problem or concern might be, perhaps a quick 15-minute phone conversation with a DIY Doctor expert will help you make a wise decision that will save you money and time.
Before you try to go it alone, bear in mind what it is going to cost to do the job a second time!
When you purchase your personal telephone consultation, you will be emailed a schedule with potential times to talk. You should get this email within 24 hours during the week (Monday to Friday excluding national holidays). If you order on a weekend, you may not hear from us until Monday, unless that’s a holiday and then you’ll hear from us on Tuesday.
This product is not an instantaneous service. Because of other obligations, work in progress and other things on our calendar, we are not always available to call you within hours of you placing the order. We will review your question and ensure that the most experience and appropriate tradesmen are on the call to help you.
When you are placing an order for the 15-minute consultation, there is an Order Comment section on the order form. Type in a short message to let us know what you want to discuss. This way we can make a start on your question right away. You will be asked to provide more information and photographs when scheduling the call. We will use this to prepare for your call.
Phone Consultation Rates: If you think you need more than 15 minutes, just adjust the quantity field up. Change it to "2" for a 30-minute call and to "3" for a 45-minute conversation. Consultations cost £35 (including VAT) per 15 minute period.
Included in the consultation cost is the pre-call preparation and research as is required; the level of preparation will be determined by the amount of information and photos that you can provide to us. Following your consultation a summary of the call and suggested action points resulting from the call will be prepared and emailed to you within 7 days of the call.
What do I get?
- 15 minutes dedicated time with an appropriate and experienced tradesman
- Detailed consultation based on the information provided by a tradesman who has studied your case (in as much detail as the information and photos you provided allows)
- A follow up call summary, including actions points, summary of the call, any further suggestions that are relevant and links to useful resources and sources
IMPORTANT NOTE: This consult rate is for home improvement topics only.
Onsite Daily Consultation Rate
We will arrange for an expert and experienced tradesman to visit your home and assist you with whatever questions that you may have.
We will look at all aspects of domestic construction. Some of the work that we have carried out includes:
- Examine issue raise in dispute and referred to arbitration or legal proceedings
- Inspect or comment on works once finished or while ongoing
- Examine and comment on plans before ground is broken
- Consult about selecting the right plot and provide a builders perspective on a new plot either for self-build prior to instructing a builder
- Discuss major renovation projects
- Assist and advise on how to find, instruct and work with the right professionals and tradesmen for your project
- Brainstorm new products
During the inspection, photographs and video footage will be taken and used in the post visit report which will be provided within 7 working days of the visit.
The daily rate is £500 (including VAT), and excludes, subsistence, travel and accommodation which will be agreed in advance of travel and charged in accordance to HMRC guidelines.
What do I get?
- Up to 6 hours dedicated time on your site with an appropriate and experienced tradesman. In some case we might choose to bring two tradesman (but without any further charge)
- Detailed consultation based on the information provided by a tradesman who has studied your case (in as much detail as the information and photos you provided allows)
- A first impressions verbal "wash up" prior to leaving site to provide immediate and actionable feedback
- A post visit report, including actions points, summary of the visit, any further suggestions that are relevant and links to useful resources and sources
- A copy of all photos and video taken during the visit
IMPORTANT NOTE: This consultancy rate is for home improvement topics only.