Win a PorsaDrill Kit worth £50 and more!
PorsaDrills are a special diamond tipped drill bit that are specially designed to make short work of ceramic or porcelain tiles. To find out more about using a PorsaDrill have a look at our project about making holes if hard tiles.
In this competition, all you have to do is answer the question on the right and you will be in the prize draw to win a PorsaDrill kit, in an Irwin tool bag with a few other tiling goodies! This is the perfect prize if your are about to start on a little tiling project either in your kitchen or bathroom.
Offer closes 4th August. Winner will be selected at random from all correct entries; runners up prizes will be provided subject to availability. Good luck!
Hint: The answer to this question should be in the above project

365 Drills – Porcadrill porcelain drill bit set